Gen. Z’s and Millennials Making Power Moves

The elections is over for 2023 and Millennials played a big roll.  Sit back, enjoy and do what you do best. Republicans and Democrats starting to take serious notice. They have seem nothing yet. As we organize more, make some powerful political moves they will finally know the final results goes through Generational Z’s and Millennials.  But, we need to do more..

“We need to invest more in renewable energy sources and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. “Renewable energy is not only good for the environment, but also for the economy and national security. By investing more in solar, wind, and hydro power, we can create millions of jobs, lower our energy bills, and protect our country from foreign threats. Renewable energy is the future, and we need to embrace it now.”

“We need to reform our immigration system and provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.”

 “Immigration is part of our nation’s history and identity, and we need to honor and celebrate it. By reforming our immigration system, we can welcome and integrate the hardworking and talented people who contribute to our society and culture. We also need to provide a fair and humane solution for the millions of undocumented immigrants who live in the shadows and fear deportation. They deserve a chance to become full and equal members of our community.”

“We need to expand access to health care and ensure that everyone has affordable and quality coverage.”

“Health care is a human right, and we need to guarantee it for everyone. By expanding access to health care, we can improve the health and well-being of our people, and reduce the disparities and injustices that plague our system. We also need to ensure that everyone has affordable and quality coverage, so that they can get the care they need without going bankrupt. Health care is a matter of life and death, and we need to act on it now.”

Gen Z and millennials did played a significant role in the recent elections. According to the web search results, they had a high turnout, especially in battleground states, and they voted mostly for Democratic candidates. They also used their digital and social skills to mobilize and educate their peers, and to advocate for the issues they care about, such as social justice, climate change, and health care. They are the most politically engaged and diverse generations in history, and they have the potential to shape the future of the country. Here are some sources that provide more information on their role in the recent elections:

• Millennials and Gen Z: Changing the 2024 US election landscape.

• US midterms: why gen Z and millennials came out to vote and why it marks a generational shift.

• How Much Could Younger Voters Affect Future Election Outcomes?

• Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X outvoted their elders in 2018 midterms.



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