African Braids For Gen Z’s and Millennials ?

African braids are a type of hairstyle that involves plaiting or twisting the hair in various patterns and designs, often with the addition of beads, shells, or other accessories. They are a form of cultural expression and identity for many African and African diaspora communities, as they have historical, religious, social, and aesthetic significance. However, not all cultures appreciate or respect the value and meaning of African braids, and some may even avoid or criticize them. Here are some of the possible reasons why other cultures are reluctant to wear African braids and why it is not okay if not respected.

• Cultural appropriation: One of the main reasons why other cultures are reluctant to wear African braids is the fear or accusation of cultural appropriation, which is the act of taking or using elements of another culture without permission, recognition, or understanding. Many people, especially white people, have been criticized for wearing African braids, as they are seen as exploiting or profiting from a culture that they do not belong to or suffer from. For example, celebrities like Miley Cyrus and Kim Kardashian have been called out for wearing cornrows or box braids, as they are perceived as being insensitive or ignorant of the history and struggles of Black people who have faced discrimination and oppression for their natural hair and protective styles. Cultural appropriation is harmful and disrespectful, as it erases or devalues the original culture and its people, and reinforces stereotypes and power imbalances.

• Hair discrimination: Another reason why other cultures are reluctant to wear African braids is the reality or possibility of hair discrimination, which is the act of treating someone differently or unfairly because of their hairstyle or hair texture. Many Black people, especially Black women, have experienced hair discrimination in various settings, such as schools, workplaces, and public spaces, where they have been denied opportunities, harassed, or punished for wearing their hair in natural or braided styles. Hair discrimination is illegal and unjust, as it violates the human rights and dignity of Black people, and limits their freedom and expression.

• Hair compatibility: A third reason why other cultures are reluctant to wear African braids is the lack or difficulty of hair compatibility, which is the ability or suitability of one’s hair type or texture to be styled or maintained in a certain way. Many non-Black people, especially those with straight or fine hair, may find it challenging or impractical to wear African braids, as they may not have the necessary curl pattern, thickness, or length to achieve or sustain the desired look. They may also face issues such as scalp irritation, hair damage, or hair loss, as their hair may not be able to withstand the tension, weight, or duration of the braids. Hair compatibility is important and personal, as it affects the health and appearance of one’s hair, and the comfort and confidence of one’s self.


African braids are more than just a hairstyle, they are a symbol and manifestation of African culture and identity. They are not a trend or a fashion statement, they are a tradition and a heritage. Therefore, other cultures should be respectful and mindful of the value and meaning of African braids, and not wear them without permission, recognition, or understanding. They should also be aware and empathetic of the discrimination and challenges that Black people face for their hair, and not trivialize or dismiss them. They should also be realistic and careful of the compatibility and suitability of their hair, and not risk or compromise their hair health or quality. African braids are beautiful and powerful, but they are not for everyone. So, yes other culture can wear Africa braids but be respectful, and you should be just fine. Remember, getting braids are time consuming to create and should be kept beautiful at all times.

My advice as an African American is to have a professional do your braids if you choose to wear them, and avoid any new styles. Stick to the classic style and you should be fine. Remember African American are not a monolithic group. So, some will disagree, but most won’t care if it’s done respectfully.

  • Cornrows: The braids that are made close to the scalp in straight or curved rows, often with intricate patterns or designs.
  •  Box braids: The braids that are made by dividing the hair into small square sections, and then plaiting each section individually, often with the addition of synthetic or natural hair extensions.
  • Senegalese twists: The twists that are made by twisting two strands of hair around each other, often with the addition of synthetic or natural hair extensions.
  • Faux locs: The locs that are made by wrapping synthetic or natural hair around the natural hair, creating the appearance of dreadlocks.
  • Bantu knots: The knots that are made by twisting and coiling the hair into small buns, often with the addition of beads, shells, or other accessories.

Enjoy your beautiful Braids.


TiK4tat Research team



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