
Fashion Styles for Generation Z and Millennials only at

Trendy Female Hair Styles for Millennials

Trendy Female Hair Styles for Millennials

Millennials are those born between 1981 and 1996, and they currently make up 22% of the US population They are the most educated and diverse generation in history, and they have different values, preferences, and expectations than their predecessors. One of the ways they express their identity and style is through their hairstyles, which are…

Millennials Professional Dress Style

Millennials Professional Dress Style

Professional dress style for today’s women can vary depending on the industry, company, and occasion. However, there are some general guidelines and examples that can help you achieve a polished and appropriate look for work. Here are some of them: • Business formal: This is the most conservative and traditional style of professional dress, usually…

Giuseppe Scelsa: Gen Z Italian Fashion Designer and Artist

Giuseppe Scelsa: Gen Z Italian Fashion Designer and Artist

Keep your eyes on this 21 year mold Gen Z designer. Giuseppe Scelsa is an Italian artist and the father of Orazio Scelsa, a young fashion designer. He collaborates with his son by providing paintings that are incorporated into his clothing designs. He is also the owner of a sewing shop in Budapest, where Orazio’s…

African Braids For Gen Z’s and Millennials ?

African Braids For Gen Z’s and Millennials ?

African braids are a type of hairstyle that involves plaiting or twisting the hair in various patterns and designs, often with the addition of beads, shells, or other accessories. They are a form of cultural expression and identity for many African and African diaspora communities, as they have historical, religious, social, and aesthetic significance. However,…