Native Americans: A History of Resilience and Survival

Native Americans: A History of Resilience and Survival

native Americans

Native Americans, also known as American Indians or, are the indigenous peoples of the United States. They are a diverse group of people with their own unique cultures, languages, and histories.



The history of Native Americans is long and complex. They have lived in North America for thousands of years, and their cultures have been shaped by their environment and their interactions with other people.

The first Europeans to arrive in North America were the Vikings, who landed in Newfoundland in the 11th century. However, the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492 is generally considered to be the beginning of the European colonization of the Americas.

The colonization of North America had a devastating impact on Native Americans. Millions of Native Americans were killed by European diseases, such as smallpox and measles. They were also forced to give up their land and their way of life.

Despite these challenges, Native Americans have survived and thrived. They have maintained their cultures and their traditions, and they have made significant contributions to American society.

Number of Tribes

There are over 573 federally recognized tribes in the United States. These tribes are located in all 50 states, but they are most concentrated in the western and southwestern states.


Reservations are areas of land that are set aside for Native Americans by the federal government. There are over 326 reservations in the United States.

Life on reservations can be difficult. Reservations are often located in remote areas, and they lack basic services, such as running water and electricity. Unemployment is also high on reservations.

States of Locations

As mentioned earlier, Native Americans live in all 50 states. However, they are most concentrated in the following states:

  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • California
  • New Mexico
  • Oklahoma


The population of Native Americans in the United States is over 5.2 million. This is about 1.7% of the total population of the United States.


Native Americans have a higher rate of poverty and health problems than the general population. This is due, in part, to the historical and ongoing neglect of Native Americans by the United States government.


Native Americans also have a lower rate of educational attainment than the general population. This is due, in part, to the underfunding of schools on reservations.

Neglect by the United States

The United States government has a long history of neglecting Native Americans. This neglect has led to poverty, health problems, and other challenges for Native Americans.

One example of this neglect is the forced removal of Native Americans from their ancestral lands. The Trail of Tears, which resulted in the deaths of thousands of Native Americans, is one example of this forced removal.

Another example of this neglect is the boarding school system. Boarding schools were designed to assimilate Native American children into white culture. These schools often abused Native American children, both physically and emotionally.


There are over 573 federally recognized tribes in the United States. Each tribe has its own unique culture and traditions.

Some of the most well-known tribes include the Cherokee, Navajo, and Sioux.


Native American traditions are diverse and complex. They include everything from storytelling and dancing to music and art.

One of the most important traditions for many Native Americans is the powwow. Powwows are gatherings where Native Americans from all over the country come together to celebrate their culture.


Native Americans are a resilient people who have overcome many challenges. They have a rich history and culture that is worth preserving.

The United States government has a responsibility to address the historical and ongoing neglect of Native Americans. This includes providing Native Americans with access to quality education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

I hope this article by tik4tat research team has given you a better understanding of the lives of Native Americans.

Additional Resources

I would also like to add that the information in this article is based on my understanding of the topic. We are not an expert on all Native American history and culture.

“Tik4Tat (The Tat) is dedicated to enlightening Gen Z and Millennials about the overlooked aspects of history, while also correcting inaccuracies and omissions prevalent in the traditional American educational system.”

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Thank you for reading.


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