Nelson Mandela Speech Against Hate.

“We can’t live in the future while dreading the past. But remember, hate never lasts. Evil always resurfaces, and we must recall that evil is never truly dead. “Stanley Barnes, Founder & CEO, Tik4TaT
Nelson Mandela,
We stand here today at a crossroads. The path behind us is marked by the deep scars of division and hatred. The path before us, though uncertain, offers the promise of healing and unity. Some among us cling to the bitterness of the past, their voices filled with anger and fear. They seek to divide us, to reawaken old hatreds, and to deny the possibility of a shared future.
But I say to them, and to all of you, that we cannot allow ourselves to be consumed by the flames of hatred. We cannot allow the ghosts of the past to haunt our present and future. For too long, we have been defined by the color of our skin, the language we speak, or the God we worship. For too long, we have allowed these differences to become barriers, to separate us from one another.
Today, I call on you to reject the politics of hate. I call on you to choose the path of forgiveness and reconciliation. Let us reach out to those who have wronged us, not with anger or vengeance, but with understanding and compassion. Let us seek to build bridges of trust and cooperation across the divides that have separated us for so long.
This is not an easy task. It will require courage and determination. It will require us to confront our own prejudices and fears. But I believe that we are equal to this challenge. I believe that we have the capacity to overcome our differences and to build a society based on justice, equality, and respect for all.
Let us not be blinded by hatred. Let us not be deafened by the voices of division. Let us instead choose the path of unity and hope. Let us together build a future where all South Africans, regardless of their background, can live in peace and harmony.
This is the dream that inspired me during my long years in prison. It is the dream that sustains me today. It is the dream that I believe we can achieve together.
Nelson Mandela
tik4tat research team, 2024 Your Life–Your Future