Generation Z’s Urgent Call for Racial Justice


Generation Z’s Urgent Call for Racial Justice

“For Generation Z, the issue of racial equity is not just important, but urgent.

Generation Z, or those born between 1997 and 2012, is the most diverse generation in history, with almost 50% of its members identifying as people of color. This generation embraces diversity as a strength and a source of pride, and its members are more open-minded and tolerant than their predecessors when it comes to interracial and interethnic relationships.

However, Generation Z also recognizes that diversity alone is not enough to achieve racial equity. Racial equity means that everyone, regardless of their race or ethnicity, has the same access to opportunities, resources, and justice in society. Generation Z knows that this is far from the reality in the United States, where racial disparities and discrimination persist in every aspect of life.

According to a survey by the social media platform involving Gen Zers in the U.S., 88% of the respondents agreed that Black Americans are treated differently than other groups. Moreover, nearly 90% of them expressed their support for Black Lives Matter, a movement that advocates for the rights and dignity of Black people and challenges the systemic racism and police violence that they face

Generation Z is not only aware of the racial inequities in the country, but also actively involved in addressing them. Many Gen Zers have participated in protests, signed petitions, donated to causes, educated themselves and others, and used their online platforms to amplify the voices of marginalized communities. They have also demanded more accountability and action from the institutions and leaders that have the power to create change, such as schools, corporations, and governments

Generation Z is not satisfied with the status quo, nor willing to wait for others to fix it. They are the agents of change, and they are determined to make racial equity a reality for themselves and future generations.”


PREs1 and TiK4Tat Research, 2024


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Breathe. It’s just a bad day, not a bad life.

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