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In celebration of Black History month below is a PARTIAL list of inventions by Black Americans  -Dr. James McCune Smith invented a treatment for trismus in 1837 – Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler wrote a book on treating diseases in ...Read more

In celebration of Black History month below is a PARTIAL list of inventions by Black Americans

 -Dr. James McCune Smith invented a treatment for trismus in 1837 – Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler wrote a book on treating diseases in women and children in 1883 – Dr. Daniel Hale Williams performed the first successful open-heart surgery in 1893 – Dr. Charles Drew developed the concept of blood banks in 1941 – Otis Boykin invented a pacemaker that regulated heartbeats electronically in 1953 – Dr. Jane Cooke Wright developed a technique to test cancer drugs on patient tissue in the 1950s – Dr. Patricia Bath invented a device and method for cataract treatment in 1988      – Folding cabinet bed  – Potato chips  – Gas mask  – Protective mailbox  – Blood bank  – Improved ironing board  – Home security system  – Three-light traffic light  – Refrigerated trucks  – Automatic elevator doors  – Electret microphone  – Color IBM PC monitor  – Gigahertz chip  – Super Soaker 
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Millennials and Generation Z are indeed two distinct generations that have unique characteristics and experiences compared to the generations that came before them. While it is challenging to predict the future with certainty, we can identify some ways ...Read more

Millennials and Generation Z are indeed two distinct generations that have unique characteristics and experiences compared to the generations that came before them. While it is challenging to predict the future with certainty, we can identify some ways in which Millennials and Gen Z might bring about significant changes in the United States based on current trends and their values:

They are:
  • Traditionalists—born 1925 to 1945.
  • Baby Boomers—born 1946 to 1964.
  • Generation X—born 1965 to 1980.
  • Millennials—born 1981 to 2000.
  • Generation Z—born 2001 to 2020.
  1. Technological Advancement: Millennials and Gen Z have grown up in the digital age and have a deep understanding and reliance on technology. This technological proficiency will likely continue to drive innovation, shape industries, and transform the way Americans live, work, and communicate.
  2. Diversity and Inclusion: These generations tend to embrace diversity and prioritize inclusivity. They are more ethnically and culturally diverse than previous generations, and they are more likely to challenge and advocate for social justice issues. Their emphasis on equality and inclusiveness may lead to increased representation in politics, workplaces, and various social institutions.
  3. Changing Workforce Dynamics: Millennials and Gen Z tend to seek meaningful work, flexible work arrangements, and a good work-life balance. They are more likely to change jobs frequently and prioritize personal fulfillment in their careers. This may lead to shifts in traditional work structures and an increased focus on employee well-being.
  4. Sustainability and Environmental Consciousness: Concerns about climate change and environmental sustainability are prominent among Millennials and Gen Z. These generations are more likely to support and engage in sustainable practices, push for eco-friendly policies, and demand corporate responsibility in addressing environmental issues.
  5. Digital Connectivity and Social Media Influence: Millennials and Gen Z are heavily influenced by social media platforms and online communities. Their ability to connect and mobilize online can lead to significant changes in social movements, activism, and political engagement.
  6. Changing Consumer Behavior: These generations have different spending habits and preferences compared to their predecessors. They tend to prioritize experiences over material possessions and value authenticity and transparency in brands. This shift in consumer behavior may influence industries and drive changes in marketing and advertising strategies.

It’s important to note that while these are general trends associated with Millennials and Gen Z, individuals within these generations can have varying beliefs and values. Additionally, societal changes are often the result of complex interactions between multiple factors, and the influence of Millennials and Gen Z will be shaped by the broader social, economic, and political context of the time.

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Coming out as LGBTQ at work can be a personal and professional decision that depends on various factors, such as your comfort level, your workplace culture, your legal rights, and your desired outcomes. There is no one right ...Read more

Coming out as LGBTQ at work can be a personal and professional decision that depends on various factors, such as your comfort level, your workplace culture, your legal rights, and your desired outcomes. There is no one right way to come out at work, but there are some general steps and tips that may help you with the process.

• First, you may want to assess your workplace environment and policies regarding LGBTQ inclusion and diversity. You can look for signs of support or hostility, such as the presence or absence of LGBTQ employee resource groups, anti-discrimination policies, inclusive benefits, diversity training, visible allies, or homophobic remarks.

• Know your rights. You have legal protections against discrimination and harassment based on your sexual orientation and gender identity under federal law and some state and local laws. You can check the laws in your area by visiting [Lambda Legal. You can also review your employer’s policies and benefits to see if they are LGBTQ-friendly and supportive.

• Choose the right time and place. You may want to schedule a meeting with your employer or talk to them in a private and comfortable setting. You may also want to avoid busy or stressful periods, such as deadlines or performance reviews. You can prepare what you want to say in advance and practice with a trusted friend or family member.

• Be honest and respectful. You can explain why you decided to come out, how you identify yourself, and what you expect from your employer. You can also answer any questions they may have, as long as they are relevant and respectful. You can also express your appreciation for their support and understanding. You can also set boundaries and let them know if there is anything you don’t want to share or discuss.

• Seek support and resources. You don’t have to go through this process alone. You can reach out to other LGBTQ employees or allies in your workplace, if there are any. You can also join an employee resource group, if there is one, or look for external organizations that support LGBTQ workers in your industry or location. You can also get help from a counselor or therapist, if you need it.

Coming out as LGBTQ to your employer is a personal choice that only you can make. You should do it when you feel ready and safe. You should also be proud of who you are and know that you are not alone.


TiK4TaT Research




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Caitlin Clark She is a junior point guard for the Iowa Hawkeyes of the Big Ten Conference. She is one of the best players in the nation and has won several awards and honors, such as ...Read more

Caitlin Clark

She is a junior point guard for the Iowa Hawkeyes of the Big Ten Conference. She is one of the best players in the nation and has won several awards and honors, such as the AP Player of the Year, the John R. Wooden Award, and the Naismith College Player of the Year in 2023. She is also a three-time All-American and a three-time Big Ten Player of the Year. Caitlin Clark is a phenomenal basketball player who plays for the Iowa Hawkeyes women’s team. She is the all-time leading scorer in NCAA Division I women’s basketball history, with 3,569 career points as of February 2024.  She broke the previous record of 3,527 points held by Kelsey Plum of Washington in just three seasons. She also holds the records for the most points in a single game (49), the most 40-point games (12), and the most assists (1,021) in Iowa history. She is a five-time All-American, a two-time Big Ten Player of the Year, and a finalist for the Naismith Trophy and the Wooden Award. She is widely regarded as one of the best players in the nation and a potential No. 1 pick in the 2025 WNBA draft.

• Caitlin Clark is also the first player in NCAA Division I women’s basketball history to lead the nation in points and assists in a single season. She averaged 28.0 points and 8.3 assists per game in 2022, and 29.1 points and 9.1 assists per game in 2023. She also led the nation in three-pointers made with 125 in 2022 and 131 in 2023. She has scored 30 or more points in 25 games in her career, and has recorded 11 triple-doubles, the most in Big Ten history. She has helped Iowa reach the Sweet 16 in 2021, the Elite Eight in 2022, and the national championship.




PREs1 and Tik4Tat Research team, 2024


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Generation Z faces a tough road to homeownership amid soaring prices and rates Generation Z, the cohort of young adults born between 1997 and 2012, has grown up in a world of economic uncertainty, social unrest, and environmental challenges. ...Read more

Generation Z faces a tough road to homeownership amid soaring prices and rates

Generation Z, the cohort of young adults born between 1997 and 2012, has grown up in a world of economic uncertainty, social unrest, and environmental challenges. They have also witnessed the struggles of their older peers, the millennials, who faced the Great Recession, student debt, and delayed milestones. Now, as Generation Z enters adulthood, they are facing another major obstacle: the housing market.

According to a recent survey by Rocket Mortgage®, 71.5% of Gen Zers plan to buy their first home in the next 1-6 years, while 37.2% plan on buying as soon as 1 – 3 years. However, their homeownership dreams may be hard to achieve in the current market conditions, where inventory is scarce, prices are high, and rates are rising.

The median national home price was just over $405,000 as of August 2023, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), up from roughly $310,000 three years ago. The interest rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage averaged 7.8 percent, compared to 3.38 percent in 2020, according to Bankrate data. These factors make it more difficult and expensive for Gen Zers to afford a home, especially as they earn entry-level salaries and deal with inflation.

One of the biggest challenges for Gen Zers is saving for a down payment and closing costs. Forty percent of non-homeowners in Bankrate’s Financial Security Survey reported an inability to save for these expenses. Even with just 3 percent down at the current median price, a Gen Z borrower would need to save more than $12,000, plus additional costs for moving and repairs. However, many Gen Zers are under the misconception that they need to put 20% down to qualify for a mortgage, which could discourage them from applying.

Another challenge for Gen Zers is qualifying for a mortgage based on their income, credit, and debt. Many Gen Zers are still building their credit history and score, which can affect their eligibility and interest rate. They may also have student loans or other debts that can lower their debt-to-income (DTI) ratio, which measures how much of their income goes toward paying debts. Lenders typically prefer a DTI of 36% or lower, but some Gen Zers may not be aware of this requirement or how to improve it.

Despite these challenges, Generation Z is not giving up on homeownership. They are motivated by various reasons, such as starting or growing a family, having more space, saving money on rent, and achieving the American Dream. They are also taking steps to prepare for buying a home, such as researching the market, improving their finances, and seeking professional advice.

Generation Z is determined to overcome the barriers to homeownership and make their mark on the housing market. However, they may need to adjust their expectations, timelines, and strategies to succeed in the current environment. They may also need to explore alternative options, such as low-down-payment programs, first-time buyer assistance, co-buying, or renting-to-own. With the right preparation, education, and support, Generation Z can turn their homeownership nightmare into a dream come true.


PREs1 and TiK4TaT Research team, 2024

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There is some evidence that younger millennials (born in the late 1980s and 1990s) are more engaged and active on social issues than older millennials (born in the early 1980s), especially on issues such as racial justice, climate ...Read more

There is some evidence that younger millennials (born in the late 1980s and 1990s) are more engaged and active on social issues than older millennials (born in the early 1980s), especially on issues such as racial justice, climate change, and LGBTQ+ rights.

However, this does not mean that older millennials are indifferent or apathetic. They may have different priorities or perspectives based on their life experiences, such as the Great Recession, the 9/11 attacks, or the Obama presidency. Both younger and older millennials share some common values and challenges, such as being more educated, diverse, and indebted than previous generations . Therefore, it may be more accurate to say that millennials as a whole are more inclined to support social issues than older generations, but there is some variation within the generation based on age, race, gender, and other factors.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


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PREs1 and TiK4Tat Research team

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Millennials are running up more debt than ever before. According to a report by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, millennials have accumulated over $1 trillion in debt, with credit card and auto loan delinquencies surpassing pre-pandemic ...Read more

Millennials are running up more debt than ever before.

According to a report by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, millennials have accumulated over $1 trillion in debt, with credit card and auto loan delinquencies surpassing pre-pandemic levels . Additionally, student loan debt has become a significant burden for many millennials . The combined debt load is causing financial stress and impacting their ability to save and invest for the future. Especially in the U.S. Millennials are the generation born between 1981 and 1996, and they are facing various financial challenges, such as inflation, rising interest rates, student loans, housing costs, and the pandemic’s impact. As of the end of 2022, Americans in their 30s had amassed nearly $4 trillion in debt, a 27% increase since 2019. This is the largest and fastest rise of any age group, and it includes debt from credit cards, auto loans, mortgages, and personal loans. Millennials are also struggling to save and invest for their future, as they have less income and wealth than previous generations at the same age. Therefore, millennials are facing a serious debt crisis that could affect their financial well-being and stability.


Are you was a millennial spending now now?


PRES1 and TiK4taT Research Team, 2024

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Whether Gen Z and millennials should have concerns regarding Ukraine joining NATO is a subjective matter that varies depending on individual perspectives. However, here are some considerations that might be relevant to younger generations: Security and Stability: Gen Z ...Read more

Whether Gen Z and millennials should have concerns regarding Ukraine joining NATO is a subjective matter that varies depending on individual perspectives. However, here are some considerations that might be relevant to younger generations:

  1. Security and Stability: Gen Z and millennials grew up in an era where global security concerns, conflicts, and terrorism have been prominent. Ukraine joining NATO could potentially contribute to regional stability and security, which could have positive implications for the overall global security landscape.
  2. Values and Democratic Principles: Many young people value democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. Ukraine has been striving to align itself with these principles and has made efforts to implement reforms. NATO membership could further support Ukraine’s democratic aspirations and promote shared values that resonate with younger generations.
  3. International Cooperation and Alliances: For individuals who believe in the importance of international cooperation and collective security, Ukraine’s NATO membership might be seen as a step towards strengthening alliances and promoting stability in Eastern Europe. It could also foster closer relationships between Ukraine and other NATO member states, potentially facilitating cultural exchanges, educational opportunities, and cooperation in various fields.
  4. Geopolitical Dynamics: Understanding the geopolitical dynamics at play is essential. Some individuals might be concerned about potential tensions with Russia, as the country has opposed Ukraine’s NATO aspirations. However, others might view Ukraine’s alignment with the West as a necessary step to counterbalance Russian influence and ensure Ukraine’s sovereignty.
  5. Economic Considerations: While NATO membership could potentially bring economic benefits to Ukraine in terms of access to trade networks and investments, there may also be concerns about the financial obligations associated with membership. Younger generations might want to consider the potential economic impacts on Ukraine and assess whether the benefits outweigh the costs.

Ultimately, whether Gen Z and millennials should have concerns regarding Ukraine joining NATO depends on their individual perspectives, values, and understanding of the geopolitical landscape. It’s important to engage in informed discussions, seek diverse viewpoints, and consider the potential implications for peace, security, and international cooperation.

PREs1 and TiK4TaT Research Team, 2024

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“For Generation Z, the issue of racial equity is not just important, but urgent. Generation Z, or those born between 1997 and 2012, is the most diverse generation in history, with almost 50% of its members ...Read more

“For Generation Z, the issue of racial equity is not just important, but urgent.

Generation Z, or those born between 1997 and 2012, is the most diverse generation in history, with almost 50% of its members identifying as people of color. This generation embraces diversity as a strength and a source of pride, and its members are more open-minded and tolerant than their predecessors when it comes to interracial and interethnic relationships.

However, Generation Z also recognizes that diversity alone is not enough to achieve racial equity. Racial equity means that everyone, regardless of their race or ethnicity, has the same access to opportunities, resources, and justice in society. Generation Z knows that this is far from the reality in the United States, where racial disparities and discrimination persist in every aspect of life.

According to a survey by the social media platform involving Gen Zers in the U.S., 88% of the respondents agreed that Black Americans are treated differently than other groups. Moreover, nearly 90% of them expressed their support for Black Lives Matter, a movement that advocates for the rights and dignity of Black people and challenges the systemic racism and police violence that they face

Generation Z is not only aware of the racial inequities in the country, but also actively involved in addressing them. Many Gen Zers have participated in protests, signed petitions, donated to causes, educated themselves and others, and used their online platforms to amplify the voices of marginalized communities. They have also demanded more accountability and action from the institutions and leaders that have the power to create change, such as schools, corporations, and governments

Generation Z is not satisfied with the status quo, nor willing to wait for others to fix it. They are the agents of change, and they are determined to make racial equity a reality for themselves and future generations.”


PREs1 and TiK4Tat Research, 2024

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Sex trafficking as it relates to Gen Z’s and Millennials In the age of social media. Sex trafficking is a serious issue that affects individuals of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. Social media platforms ...Read more

Sex trafficking as it relates to Gen Z’s and Millennials

In the age of social media. Sex trafficking is a serious issue that affects individuals of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. Social media platforms can be used by traffickers to target, recruit, and exploit vulnerable individuals, including Gen Z’s and millennials.

Some ways that sex trafficking can relate to Gen Z’s and millennials in the age of social media include:

* Online grooming: Traffickers may use social media to build relationships with young people, gain their trust, and eventually manipulate them into engaging in sexual activities.

* False promises: Traffickers may use social media to lure young people with false promises of modeling contracts, jobs, or other opportunities that seem appealing.

* Sharing explicit content: Traffickers may coerce or manipulate young people into creating and sharing explicit content, which can be used for blackmail or sold online.

* Online advertising: Traffickers may use social media to advertise sexual services, often disguising them as legitimate offers.

It’s important for Gen Z’s and millennials to be aware of these risks and know how to protect themselves online. This includes being cautious when interacting with strangers online, DO NOT share personal information or explicit content, and reporting suspicious activity to authorities. Additionally, parents, educators, and social media platforms themselves can play a role in educating young people about online safety and taking steps to prevent sex trafficking on their platforms

Sex trafficking is a serious human rights violation that affects millions of people around the world, especially women and children. Gen Z and Millennials are the generations most at risk of being exploited by sex traffickers, as they are more likely to use social media and online platforms, where traffickers can lure them with false promises, threats, or manipulation. Sex trafficking can also have long-term physical, psychological, and social consequences for the survivors, such as trauma, stigma, disease, addiction, and poverty.

If you want to learn more about sex trafficking and how to prevent it, you can visit Polaris, a nonprofit organization that works to end human trafficking and support survivors. You can also call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text HELP to 233733 if you or someone you know needs help.

PRes1 love our Gen Z’s and Millennials.  PLEASE BE AWARE AS IT CAN TO HAPPEN YOU. 


PREs1 and Tik4TaT Research Team, 2024

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