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Climate change affects in Arctic. Arctic wildlife like polar bears, walruses, and seals, altering habitats, disrupting food chains, and leading to population decline. Emissions impact the Arctic twice as fast as other regions, causing rapid warming ...Read more

Climate change affects in Arctic.

Arctic wildlife like polar bears, walruses, and seals, altering habitats, disrupting food chains, and leading to population decline. Emissions impact the Arctic twice as fast as other regions, causing rapid warming and loss of sea ice, which affects hunting and breeding patterns ¹ ³. Melting sea ice and warmer waters also lead to ocean acidification, impacting marine life The changes have far-reaching consequences for global economies, weather patterns, and ecosystem Emissions from human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, have a significant impact on wildlife in the Arctic. Emissions increase the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which trap heat and cause global warming. This leads to the melting of sea ice, glaciers, and permafrost, which are essential habitats for many Arctic animals, such as polar bears, seals, walruses, and caribou Emissions also increase the transport of pollutants, such as black carbon and heavy fuel oil, to the Arctic, which can harm the health of wildlife and local communities. Emissions can also alter the timing and availability of food sources for Arctic animals, such as plants, insects, and fish, which can affect their survival and reproduction. Therefore, emissions pose a serious threat to the biodiversity and well-being of the Arctic ecosystem   PREs1 and Tik4Tat Research team, 2024
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By now many that follow PREs1 understand we don’t shy away from the truth for Gen Z’s and Millennials.   Black History Month. Don’t let them fool you, a lot of people want to hide the ...Read more

By now many that follow PREs1 understand we don’t shy away from the truth for Gen Z’s and Millennials.  

Black History Month. Don’t let them fool you, a lot of people want to hide the facts and lie to Gen Z and Millennials. We’re here to give you a quick rundown of the real deal. The past is the past, but the truth matters and maybe it can help us deal with the problems we face today.”

“For over 200 years, millions of Americans benefited from the wealth, opportunity, and prosperity that was built on the backs of enslaved Black people. These people were violently snatched from Africa and forced to cross the Atlantic in appalling conditions, where nearly two million of them perished. As slavery became more entrenched in the United States, a false and lasting narrative of Black inferiority was constructed to justify, sustain, and protect the system of oppression”

Slavery was a brutal and inhumane system that exploited and oppressed millions of African Americans for over two centuries. It involved many forms of violence, abuse, and discrimination, such as raping, hanging, murder, lack of career opportunities, children stolen from their mothers, auction of slaves, cannibalism, and public executions.  Slavery also had a lasting impact on the social, economic, and political development of the United States, as well as the civil rights and racial justice movements that followed its abolition.

* Physical brutality: Raping, whippings, beatings, and other forms of physical punishment
* Emotional abuse: verbal insults, humiliation, and separation from family and loved ones
* Poor living conditions: overcrowding, poor sanitation, and inadequate food and clothing
* Lack of autonomy: enslaved people were denied basic rights and freedoms, and were forced to work long hours under harsh conditions
* Sexual exploitation: enslaved women and children were vulnerable to sexual abuse and assault by their enslavers
* Family separation: enslaved people were often separated from their families, and could be sold or traded away at any time
* Resistance and revolts: enslaved people resisted their enslavement through various means, including escape attempts, sabotage, and revolts

If you are interested in learning more about slavery in the United States, I suggest you start with some reliable sources, such as HISTORY. . You can research topics on slavery, such as the 13th Amendment, the Underground Railroad, or the Harriet Tubman movie. Please be aware that some of the information and images you may find could be disturbing or triggering, so proceed with caution and respect.

It’s important to acknowledge the horrors of slavery and its ongoing impact on marginalized communities today.                                                                                                                                 

PREs1 and TiK4Tat Research Team, 2024


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One of the most important parts of your law school application is your personal statement. It gives you a chance to highlight your special habits, prove that you are a good fit for the school, and exhibit your enthusiasm for ...Read more

One of the most important parts of your law school application is your personal statement. It gives you a chance to highlight your special habits, prove that you are a good fit for the school, and exhibit your enthusiasm for law. Draw the reader in with an attention-grabbing introduction that highlights your passion for the law that relates to your area of interest in your legal law personal statement writing service. Clearly state your motivation. Highlight academic accomplishments that are pertinent to your goal of obtaining a legal education. Carefully proofread your personal statement after it is completed.

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Hinduism, The World’s Third Largest Religion and How Gen Z’s and Millennials Worship Hinduism is the world’s third largest religion, with approximately 1.2 billion followers, or 15% of the global population, known as Hindus. Hinduism is ...Read more

Hinduism, The World’s Third Largest Religion and How Gen Z’s and Millennials Worship

Hinduism is the world’s third largest religion, with approximately 1.2 billion followers, or 15% of the global population, known as Hindus. Hinduism is the oldest living religion in the world, with beliefs and practices that date back at least as far as the 1500s BC. Hinduism is practiced primarily in India (where approximately 80% of the population identifies as Hindu), Nepal, and Indonesia. Hinduism encompasses a variety of traditions, sects, philosophies, and rituals, which share some common concepts, such as karma, dharma, reincarnation, and moksha.

Hinduism is based on the Vedas, the ancient scriptures that contain the spiritual and ethical teachings of Hindu sages. The Vedas are divided into four sections: the Rigveda, the Samaveda, the Yajurveda, and the Atharvaveda. The Vedas are supplemented by other texts, such as the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Ramayana, and the Mahabharata, which contain stories, myths, and legends that illustrate Hindu values and beliefs. Hinduism also recognizes the authority of the Smritis, the law codes that regulate Hindu social and personal life, such as the Manusmriti and the Arthashastra.

Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, meaning that it worships many gods and goddesses, who are manifestations of the supreme reality, called Brahman. Some of the most popular Hindu deities are Vishnu, the preserver; Shiva, the destroyer; Ganesha, the remover of obstacles; Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth; Durga, the goddess of power; and Saraswati, the goddess of learning. Hinduism also venerates various forms of nature, such as rivers, mountains, trees, and animals, as sacred and divine. Hinduism also respects the diversity of paths to reach the ultimate goal of liberation from the cycle of birth and death, such as bhakti (devotion), jnana (knowledge), karma (action), and yoga (discipline).

Hinduism is a way of life that influences every aspect of a Hindu’s daily activities, such as diet, dress, hygiene, and etiquette. Hinduism also prescribes various rites and ceremonies to mark the important stages of life, such as birth, naming, initiation, education, marriage, and death. These rites are called samskaras, and they are performed by a Hindu priest, called a pandit, with the help of sacred fire, water, and mantras. Hinduism also celebrates various festivals throughout the year, such as Diwali, the festival of lights; Holi, the festival of colors; Navratri, the festival of nine nights; and Dussehra, the festival of victory.

Hinduism is a living and evolving religion that adapts to the changing times and contexts. Hinduism has spread to various parts of the world, such as the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Australia, through migration, trade, and cultural exchange. Hinduism has also interacted with other religions, such as Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, and has influenced and been influenced by them. Hinduism has also faced various challenges and reforms, such as the caste system, the status of women, the social justice movements, and the modernization and globalization processes.

Hinduism is also a religion that appeals to many young people, especially Gen Z’s and millennials, who are the generations born between 1981 and 2012. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, 78% of people ages 13-25 consider themselves at least slightly spiritual, including 60% of unaffiliated young people (atheists, agnostics, and nones). And 71% say they are at least slightly religious, including 38% of the unaffiliated. However, many of these young people do not practice their religion in traditional ways, such as attending worship services, following rituals, or belonging to a denomination.

Instead, they practice their religion in more personalized, eclectic, and creative ways, such as meditating, reading, listening to music, or exploring nature.

Hinduism is a religion that offers many possibilities for such individualized and flexible expressions of spirituality and religiosity. Hinduism does not have a rigid dogma or a hierarchical structure, but rather allows for multiple interpretations and paths to the divine. Hinduism also embraces diversity and pluralism, and respects other faiths and cultures. Hinduism also provides a rich and varied source of wisdom, inspiration, and guidance, through its scriptures, stories, symbols, and practices. Hinduism also encourages a holistic and harmonious view of life, that integrates the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of human existence.

Hinduism is a religion that is relevant and meaningful for many Gen Z’s and millennials, who are looking for ways to connect with themselves, others, and the world. Hinduism is a religion that helps them cope with the challenges and opportunities of the modern age, such as stress, anxiety, loneliness, identity, purpose, and social justice. Hinduism is a religion that nurtures their curiosity, creativity, and compassion, and empowers them to live authentically and responsibly. Hinduism is a religion that is not only the world’s third largest, but also one of the most vibrant and dynamic.


PREs1 and TiK4TaT Research Team, 2024

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Groundbreaking medical devices and inventions by African Americans. (partial list) • Blood transfusion and blood banking: Dr. Charles Drew developed new ways to store blood plasma for transfusion and organized the first large-scale blood bank during World War II. ...Read more

Groundbreaking medical devices and inventions by African Americans. (partial list)

Blood transfusion and blood banking: Dr. Charles Drew developed new ways to store blood plasma for transfusion and organized the first large-scale blood bank during World War II. .

Open heart surgery: Dr. Daniel Hale Williams performed one of the first successful open heart surgeries in 1893 and founded the first black-owned hospital in the U.S.

Pacemaker: Otis Boykin improved the pacemaker by inventing a more precise and reliable control unit for the device.

Laser cataract surgery: Dr. Patricia Bath invented the Laserphaco Probe, a device that uses laser to remove cataracts from the eyes.

Super Soaker: Lonnie Johnson, a former NASA engineer, invented the Super Soaker, a popular water gun that uses pressurized air to shoot water. • Ultraviolet camera: Dr. George Carruthers invented the ultraviolet camera, which was used to capture images of the Earth’s atmosphere and outer space.

ISA bus: Mark Dean, a computer engineer, invented the ISA bus, a system that allows multiple devices to communicate with a computer’s CPU.

Gastroscope: Dr. Leonidas Harris Berry invented the gastroscope, a device that allows doctors to examine the stomach and intestines.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


Pres1 and TiK4taT Research team, 2024

17 Black innovators who made medtech better

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Generation Z (people born between 1997 and 2012) has a complex relationship with Millennials (people born between 1981 and 1996. While there is a significant age gap between the two generations, both groups share many similarities ...Read more

Generation Z (people born between 1997 and 2012) has a complex relationship with Millennials (people born between 1981 and 1996.

While there is a significant age gap between the two generations, both groups share many similarities in their values and beliefs. However, whether Gen Z trusts Millennials to be allies on social issues is not a straightforward answer.

Reasons why Gen Z might be skeptical of Millennials as allies:

1. Perceived privilege: Gen Z may see Millennials as having more privilege and power, which can lead to a sense of disconnect and mistrust.
2. Different communication styles: Gen Z may prefer more direct and concise communication, whereas Millennials might be more comfortable with nuanced and contextualized discussions.
3. Criticisms of Millennial “performative activism”: Some Gen Zers might view Millennials as more focused on social media appearances and hashtag activism rather than actual, tangible action.

Ultimately, trust is built through shared experiences, open communication, and mutual respect. While there may be differences in approach and perspective, Gen Z and Millennials can learn from each other and work together as allies on social issues. By listening to and valuing each other’s unique perspectives, both generations can foster a stronger, more inclusive, and effective coalition for change.

Reasons why Gen Z Might trust Millennials as allies:

1. Shared values: Both Gen Z and Millennials are known for their progressive views on issues like climate change, racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, and mental health.
2. Common experiences: Both generations have grown up with the internet and social media, which has shaped their understanding of the world and their desire for authenticity and inclusivity.
3. Overlapping activism: Millennials have been instrumental in movements like Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, and March for Our Lives, which Gen Z has also embraced and expanded upon.

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PREs1 and TiK4taT Research team, 2024

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Affluent Millennials and Their Financial Exaggeration Millennials, the generation born between 1981 and 1996, are often stereotyped as entitled, lazy, and irresponsible when it comes to money. However, not all millennials are struggling financially. Some of them are affluent, ...Read more

Affluent Millennials and Their Financial Exaggeration

Millennials, the generation born between 1981 and 1996, are often stereotyped as entitled, lazy, and irresponsible when it comes to money. However, not all millennials are struggling financially. Some of them are affluent, meaning they have above-average household income and investable assets. According to a survey by Wells Fargo, affluent millennials have an average household income of $216,000 and an average investable asset of $514,000. However, being affluent does not necessarily mean being financially secure or satisfied. In fact, many affluent millennials are more likely to exaggerate their finances to appear wealthier than they are, according to the same survey. This essay will explore the reasons and implications of this phenomenon.

One of the reasons why affluent millennials exaggerate their finances is the pressure to show their success and status. Affluent millennials grew up in a digital and connected world, where social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok are prevalent. These platforms enable users to showcase their lifestyles, achievements, and possessions to a large audience. However, they also create a distorted and unrealistic image of what success and happiness look like, as users tend to post only the positive and glamorous aspects of their lives. Affluent millennials, who are often ambitious and competitive, may feel the need to keep up with these images and impress others with their wealth and consumption. According to the survey, 34% of affluent millennials admit to lying or exaggerating their finances to appear financially successful, compared to 20% of Gen Xers and 4% of baby boomers. Moreover, 29% of affluent millennials confess to buying items they cannot afford to impress others, while 51% of them say that people assume they are wealthier than they are.

Another reason why affluent millennials exaggerate their finances is the lack of financial literacy and confidence. Affluent millennials may have high income and assets, but they may not have the knowledge or skills to manage them effectively. According to the survey, only 39% of affluent millennials say they are very confident in their financial knowledge, compared to 55% of Gen Xers and 68% of baby boomers. Moreover, only 36% of affluent millennials say they have a financial plan, compared to 50% of Gen Xers and 60% of baby boomers. Affluent millennials may also have financial challenges that other generations do not face, such as high student debt, rising cost of living, and uncertain economic outlook. According to the survey, 40% of affluent millennials report having more debt than they would prefer, and 31% of them say they are financially insecure. Affluent millennials may exaggerate their finances to hide their financial difficulties and insecurities, or to compensate for their lack of financial education and guidance.

The implications of affluent millennials’ financial exaggeration are negative and harmful, both for themselves and for society. For themselves, exaggerating their finances may lead to overspending, debt accumulation, and savings depletion. According to the survey, 41% of affluent millennials admit to funding their lifestyles with credit cards or loans, and 50% of them do not pay off their credit card bills each month. This may result in high interest charges, lower credit scores, and reduced financial flexibility. Moreover, exaggerating their finances may prevent them from achieving their financial goals, such as saving for retirement, buying a home, or starting a family. According to the survey, only 54% of affluent millennials say they are on track to meet their financial goals, compared to 66% of Gen Xers and 72% of baby boomers. Furthermore, exaggerating their finances may…


PREs1 and TiK4TaT Research Team, 2004

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Why You Deserve a Raise: How It Boosts Your Motivation and Loyalty When you’re growing professionally, a raise is more than just a number – it’s a spark that ignites your motivation and loyalty. As you put your ...Read more

Why You Deserve a Raise:

How It Boosts Your Motivation and Loyalty When you’re growing professionally, a raise is more than just a number – it’s a spark that ignites your motivation and loyalty. As you put your time and skills into the company’s success, a well-earned raise shows that you’re valued and respected. It motivates you to work harder, achieve more, and give your best to the company’s goals. A raise also sends a clear message – the company appreciates your hard work and commitment. This makes you feel loyal, and creates a positive cycle where you’re more likely to stick with the company. When it comes to employee engagement, fair and timely raises are crucial. They not only lift your spirits but also create a positive work culture where you feel recognized and empowered. Let’s celebrate the amazing impact of raises – not just as a money thing but as a smart move for the motivation, loyalty, and success of both you and the company.


Does this applies to you? and TiK4TaT Research team, 2024


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Nikki Haley is an American politician who served as the 29th United States Ambassador to the United Nations from 2017 to 2019. Born on January 20, 1972, in Bamberg, South Carolina, she is a member of the ...Read more

Nikki Haley is an American politician who served as the 29th United States Ambassador to the United Nations from 2017 to 2019. Born on January 20, 1972, in Bamberg, South Carolina, she is a member of the Republican Party and has been a rising star in the political scene. Gen Z and Millennials should know the following about Nikki Haley.

  • Trailblazer: Haley is the first female and first minority governor of South Carolina, as well as the first Indian-American to serve in a presidential cabinet.
  • Foreign Policy Expertise: As UN Ambassador, Haley was a vocal advocate for American interests, particularly on issues like Iran sanctions and Israel’s sovereignty.
  • Political Pragmatism: Haley has shown an ability to work across the aisle, partnering with Democrats on issues like criminal justice reform and education.
  • Controversial Views: Haley has faced criticism for her stance on issues like immigration, healthcare, and climate change.
  • Leadership Style: Known for her strong leadership and ability to build consensus, Haley has been praised for her effectiveness in navigating complex political situations.
  • Future Political Prospects: Speculation surrounds Haley’s potential 2024 presidential run or future political aspirations.
  • Overall, Nikki Haley represents a unique blend of conservative values and pragmatic leadership, making her a notable figure for Gen Z and Millennials to watch in the evolving political landscape.

What’s your opinion.

PREs1 and TiK4tat Research team, 2004

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Gen Z and Millennials in the USA and UK share similarities, but also have differences shaped by unique cultural, economic, and social contexts. Key differences include political views, communication styles, and digital habits. Gen Z is more diverse ...Read more

Gen Z and Millennials in the USA and UK share similarities, but also have differences shaped by unique cultural, economic, and social contexts. Key differences include political views, communication styles, and digital habits. Gen Z is more diverse and individualistic, while Millennials are more optimistic and driven by success.
Gen Z (born 1997 and later) is more racially and ethnically diverse, tech-savvy, and individualistic, with a preference for visual communication and a focus on self-expression. Millennials (born 1981-1996) are more optimistic, driven by success, and focused on making a positive impact. They prioritize work-life balance and value feedback. Gen Z is more pragmatic and financially conservative, while Millennials are more idealistic and eager for learning and development opportunities.

What are some other difference. Share your opinion.


PREs1 and TiK4TaT Research Team, 2024

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