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Toxic Behavior and how to deal with it. It’s paramount ro know. Dealing with toxic behavior can be challenging, but here are a few suggestions on how to handle it: 1. Read more

Toxic Behavior and how to deal with it. It’s paramount ro know. Dealing with toxic behavior can be challenging, but here are a few suggestions on how to handle it: 1. Set boundaries: Clearly communicate your boundaries and expectations to the person exhibiting toxic behavior. Let them know what behavior is not acceptable to you and assertively express your concerns. 2. Practice self-care: Take care of yourself by engaging in activities that bring you joy and reduce stress. Surround yourself with positive and supportive individuals who can help you navigate through the situation. 3. Seek support: Reach out to friends, family, or colleagues who can provide advice, guidance, or emotional support. Sometimes, discussing the situation with a trusted person can offer a fresh perspective and help you find solutions. 4. Document incidents: Keep a record of specific instances of toxic behavior, including dates, times, and descriptions. This documentation can be useful if you need to report the behavior to higher authorities or HR departments. 5. Address the behavior directly: If you feel comfortable, have a calm and assertive conversation with the person displaying toxic behavior. Share your concerns and how their actions are affecting you or others. Be specific and provide examples to make your point clear. 6. Seek mediation or intervention: If the toxic behavior persists or escalates, consider involving a mediator or someone in a position of authority who can help address the issue. This could be a supervisor, HR representative, or a trusted neutral party who can facilitate a resolution. 7. Know when to disengage: In some cases, it may be necessary to distance yourself from the person exhibiting toxic behavior. Prioritize your well-being and recognize when it’s healthier to limit or end contact with them. Remember, dealing with toxic behavior can be emotionally challenging, so it’s important to take care of yourself throughout the process. PREs1 and TiK4TaT Research Team

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Christian conservatives are often seen as a powerful and influential force in American politics. They have been loyal supporters of the Republican Party and its agenda, especially on issues such as abortion, marriage, religious freedom and Israel. They ...Read more

Christian conservatives are often seen as a powerful and influential force in American politics. They have been loyal supporters of the Republican Party and its agenda, especially on issues such as abortion, marriage, religious freedom and Israel. They have also been vocal critics of the progressive and secular values of the Democratic Party and its allies, such as LGBT rights, gender equality, immigration and environmentalism.

However, Christian conservatives may be losing their grip on the future of American politics, as the younger generations of Gen Z and Millennials are increasingly turning away from their faith and their politics. According to various surveys and studies, Gen Z and Millennials are more likely to identify as religiously unaffiliated (or “nones”), more likely to hold relativistic views on morality, more likely to support social justice causes and more likely to vote for Democrats than their older counterparts.

What are the reasons for this generational shift?
There are many possible factors that contribute to the growing gap between Christian conservatives and Gen Z and Millennials.

Some of them are:

Different religious experiences: Gen Z and Millennials have grown up in a more diverse and pluralistic society than previous generations. They have been exposed to different religions, cultures and worldviews, which may have challenged their inherited beliefs and practices. They have also witnessed the scandals, hypocrisy and politicization of some religious leaders and institutions, which may have eroded their trust and respect for them. Moreover, they have received less religious education and guidance from their parents and communities, who themselves may have become less devout or disaffiliated over time

Different political concerns: Gen Z and Millennials have faced different social and economic challenges than previous generations. They have experienced the effects of globalization, terrorism, war, recession, inequality, climate change and pandemic, which may have shaped their priorities and perspectives. They have also benefited from the advances in civil rights, technology, education and health care, which may have expanded their opportunities and horizons. They tend to care more about issues such as racial justice, gender equality, immigration reform and environmental protection than issues such as abortion, marriage, religious freedom and Israel

Different information sources: Gen Z and Millennials rely heavily on social media for news and political information. They have access to a wide range of opinions, perspectives and voices online, which may challenge or reinforce their existing views. They also have the ability to create and share their own content, which may express their identity and values. However, they also face some risks, such as misinformation, polarization, echo chambers and online harassment. They need to be critical and discerning consumers of online information, and seek out credible and balanced sources of news

Reconnect with their community: Christian conservatives may need to foster genuine relationships with Gen Z and Millennials. They may need to listen to their stories and experiences, understand their needs and aspirations, respect their opinions and choices They may also need to collaborate with them on common causes and goals, invite them to participate in their activities and events, mentor them in their faith journeyand celebrate their achievements. Rebuild their credibility: Christian conservatives may need to restore their reputation and trust among the younger generations. They may need to acknowledge their mistakes and failures, apologize for their harms and sins, repent for their hypocrisy and corruption, reform their structures and systems, renew their commitment to integrity and accountability

Reevaluate their message: Christian conservatives may need to rethink how they communicate their faith and values to the younger generations. They may need to emphasize the positive aspects of Christianity, such as love, grace, hope and service, rather than the negative aspects, such as judgment, condemnation, fear and guilt. They may also need to address the issues that matter to Gen Z and Millennials, such as justice, equality, diversity and sustainability

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For many members of Gen Z, the generation born between 1997 and 2012, becoming an influencer is not just a dream, but a realistic and desirable career option. Influencers are people who have a large and loyal online ...Read more

For many members of Gen Z, the generation born between 1997 and 2012, becoming an influencer is not just a dream, but a realistic and desirable career option. Influencers are people who have a large and loyal online following and can earn money by promoting products, services, or causes on social media platforms. Influencers can also create their own content, such as videos, podcasts, blogs, or courses, and sell them to their fans or subscribers.

According to a recent survey by Morning Consult, a market research company, more than half of Gen Zers (57%) said they would like to be an influencer if they had the opportunity. This is a significant increase from the 45% of millennials who said the same thing. The survey also found that Gen Zers are more likely than older generations to aspire to work in media and entertainment industries, such as music, film, television, gaming, or journalism.

One of the reasons why Gen Zers are drawn to influencing and media careers is the rise and popularity of platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, which have enabled millions of people to showcase their talents, passions, and personalities to a global audience. These platforms have also created a new category of professionals called “creators”, who are self-employed individuals who use their skills and knowledge to produce and monetize their online content. Creators can include freelancers, consultants, coaches, educators, artists, gamers, and more.

As Stanley, a 23-year-old creator and entrepreneur, explains, Gen Zers who grew up with the internet and social media quickly realized the potential of becoming a creator and a business owner. “We’re extremely online, and we saw that as soon as you start producing content that attracts a following, you can get paid and become a business,” he says.

Another reason why Gen Zers are interested in influencing and media careers is the flexibility and freedom that these fields offer. Gen Zers are known for being adaptable, curious, and open-minded, and they value having the ability to change their minds and explore different options. According to a report by EY, a professional services firm, Gen Zers plan to switch careers more frequently than previous generations, and nearly 40% of them have both a main job and a side hustle. Some of them aim to become fully self-employed, while others hope to retire early and pursue their hobbies or passions.

Woo, a 21-year-old influencer and podcaster, says that working in media and entertainment allows him to pursue his interests and goals without being tied down to one path. “I like the idea of being able to do whatever I want, whenever I want, and not having to commit to one thing for the rest of my life,” he says.

Media and entertainment industries are among the most dynamic and diverse in the world, and they appeal to Gen Zers who want to express themselves, connect with others, and make an impact. Whether they want to become influencers, creators, or something else, Gen Zers see these careers as the best way to achieve their personal and professional aspirations, no matter how often those change.

PREs1 Research Team

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Gun control measures: Many Gen Z individuals are vocal advocates for stricter gun control laws, including comprehensive background checks for all gun buyers, banning high-capacity Magazines, and implementing waiting periods for gun purchases. They often express frustration with ...Read more

  1. Gun control measures: Many Gen Z individuals are vocal advocates for stricter gun control laws, including comprehensive background checks for all gun buyers, banning high-capacity Magazines, and implementing waiting periods for gun purchases. They often express frustration with the current state of gun violence in the United States and believe that stronger gun control measures can help prevent mass shootings and reduce overall gun-related deaths.

  2. Concerns about accessibility of guns: Gen Z individuals often express concerns about the ease of access to firearms, including loopholes in existing gun laws that allow for private sales without background checks, and the availability of guns in some states with less restrictive gun laws. They may support measures to close these loopholes and make it more difficult for individuals with a history of violence or mental illness to obtain firearms.
  3. Focus on safety and prevention: Many Gen Z individuals prioritize safety and prevention when it comes to gun control. They may support measures such as safe storage requirements for firearms, gun safety education programs, and red flag laws that allow for temporary removal of firearms from individuals who pose a risk to themselves or others. They often emphasize the importance of responsible gun ownership and taking steps to prevent accidents and misuse of firearms.

Overall, while there is no one-size-fits-all view on gun control among Gen Z, many individuals in this generation express concerns about gun violence in the United States and support measures to address the issue through stricter gun control laws, increased safety measures, and prevention efforts.


PREs1 Research Team

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I’m 6 months into a new job that uses a technology I’ve had no experience in (but am trying really hard to learn). Often I get tasks that I have real difficulty with. I flag this: I say that I’ve ...Read more

I’m 6 months into a new job that uses a technology I’ve had no experience in (but am trying really hard to learn). Often I get tasks that I have real difficulty with. I flag this: I say that I’ve never done that before and I’ll have difficulty. I get some help, but the task always takes way longer than estimated and is done pretty badly. This puts me under a huge amount of stress and is embarrassing as my tasks often get rejected at QA. I’m all for learning but its just too much. I need to master things incrementally, not all at once. Or else do a proper course on the subject.

How can I talk to my boss about this without looking like I’m useless or backing away from challenges?

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If a Google employee reveals that he or she intends to leave because they have *accepted*–not received–an offer from a talent competitor like Facebook, in some cases they will be “walked off” so that they will no longer have access ...Read more

If a Google employee reveals that he or she intends to leave because they have *accepted*–not received–an offer from a talent competitor like Facebook, in some cases they will be “walked off” so that they will no longer have access to Google’s proprietary information. More important than having that employee leave the physical building is shutting off their employee account; and most tech knowledge workers can’t perform their jobs without access to the company’s Intranet, VPN, or email.

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There’s talk of paying Division 1 sports athletics. In face I think many in division ll and lll are also physically hurting. I think sooner or later colleges/universities will have to pay to play.  Too many athletes are being physically ...Read more

There’s talk of paying Division 1 sports athletics. In face I think many in division ll and lll are also physically hurting. I think sooner or later colleges/universities will have to pay to play.  Too many athletes are being physically and mentally harm for life because of the injuries.

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Recently heard about Heap which seems pretty cool, but I’m not sure if it would really be valuable, or simply another tool that I need to check. We are not at the point of using HubSpot/Marketo yet so Heap’s free ...Read more

Recently heard about Heap which seems pretty cool, but I’m not sure if it would really be valuable, or simply another tool that I need to check. We are not at the point of using HubSpot/Marketo yet so Heap’s free plan could be a useful stopgap tool.

Do you use Heap? If so, what do you think? Maybe they are using Ai more now for better results.

If not, what analytics tool do you use and what are the pros/cons?

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I think there are over 107 HBCU mostly in the Southern part of the USA. Which ones are the most well known. I know of Howard University. But what are ...Read more | Question Sidebar

I think there are over 107 HBCU mostly in the Southern part of the USA. Which ones are the most well known. I know of Howard University. But what are a few of the top rated ones.

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I am thinking of pursuing web developing as a career & was just wondering. I’ve heard that that location is a big factor when it comes to salary of web developers. Kindly state: 1) Country 2) Salary Monthly/Yearly 3) Years of ...Read more

I am thinking of pursuing web developing as a career & was just wondering. I’ve heard that that location is a big factor when it comes to salary of web developers.
Kindly state:

1) Country
2) Salary Monthly/Yearly
3) Years of experience.
P.s) You can choose to remain anonymous if you want to.

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