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Power question of the week. How would you react if you discovered that your family members or close friends hold racist views? Please be honest and express your thoughts. This is how we can ...Read more

Power question of the week.

How would you react if you discovered that your family members or close friends hold racist views? Please be honest and express your thoughts. This is how we can create positive change.
  • Keep quiet as a form of agreement or fear?
  • Try to correct with facts?
  • Feel embarrassed?
Your answer could determine how you feel about  serious peaceful Change.

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HBCU’s Engineering & Communications Top Universities There are many historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) that offer excellent programs in engineering and communications. However, the ranking of these universities may vary depending on the criteria, methodology, and source of ...Read more

HBCU’s Engineering & Communications Top Universities

There are many historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) that offer excellent programs in engineering and communications. However, the ranking of these universities may vary depending on the criteria, methodology, and source of the data. Therefore, it is not possible to give a definitive answer to this question, but rather to provide some examples of reputable sources that publish rankings of universities by subject. Here are some of them:

QS World University Rankings by Subject This source ranks universities based on academic reputation, employer reputation, and research impact. According to the latest edition (2022), the top HBCU for communication and media studies is Howard University, ranked #102 in the world. The top historically Black colleges and universities for electrical and electronic engineering is Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, ranked #451-500 in the world.

U.S. News Best Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Programs This source ranks U.S. universities that offer bachelor’s degrees in electrical, electronic, or communications engineering based on peer assessment surveys. According to the latest edition (2024), the top HBCU for this major is Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, ranked #69 among all U.S. schools and #1 among HBCUs. Best Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering Degree Programs

This source ranks U.S. universities that offer bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degrees in electrical, electronics, or communications engineering based on factors such as tuition, graduation rate, student-to-faculty ratio, and accreditation. According to the latest edition (2021), the top HBCU for this major is Howard University, ranked #6 among all U.S. schools and #1 among Them.

This source ranks U.S. universities that offer graduate programs in engineering based on peer assessment surveys, research activity, and student selectivity. According to the latest edition (2021), the top for engineering is Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, ranked #69 among all U.S. schools and #1 among HBCUs.

Resources on HBCUs

These are some of the sources that you can use to find the top HBCUs for engineering and communications but keep in mind that they may have different methodologies, data sources, and scopes. Therefore, you should always check the details and criteria of each ranking before making any decisions. You can also use other sources, such as official websites, alumni reviews, or student forums, to get more information and insights about the universities that interest you..

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Programmers Life A daily programmer life can vary depending on the type, scope, and complexity of the projects they work on, as well as the company culture, team dynamics, and personal preferences. However, some common aspects of a daily ...Read more

Programmers Life

A daily programmer life can vary depending on the type, scope, and complexity of the projects they work on, as well as the company culture, team dynamics, and personal preferences. However, some common aspects of a daily programmer life are:

• Coding: This is the core activity of a programmer, where they write, test, debug, and optimize code to create software applications or systems. Coding can be done in different languages, frameworks, and environments, depending on the project requirements and specifications. Coding can be challenging, rewarding, and fun, but also frustrating, tedious, and exhausting at times.

Meetings: Programmers often have to attend meetings with their managers, clients, stakeholders, or teammates to discuss the project progress, goals, issues, feedback, or collaboration. Meetings can be useful for clarifying expectations, resolving problems, or brainstorming ideas, but they can also be distracting, boring, or unproductive if not well-managed.

Research: Programmers need to constantly research and learn new technologies, tools, techniques, or best practices to improve their skills and knowledge, as well as to find solutions to the problems they encounter. Research can involve reading documentation, articles, blogs, books, or forums, watching videos, podcasts, or webinars, taking courses, or experimenting with code snippets or examples.

Documentation: Programmers need to document their code, design, architecture, or functionality to make it easier for themselves and others to understand, maintain, or modify it…

How is their personal life, family life, friends, work environment and everything that you can think that a programmer does throughout the day?


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Graduate Programs I’m a 23 year old man deciding between 2 schools, both of which would provide me with a tuition waiver and stipend to live on. I currently work a full-time job that pays relatively well, but I’m ...Read more

Graduate Programs

I’m a 23 year old man deciding between 2 schools, both of which would provide me with a tuition waiver and stipend to live on. I currently work a full-time job that pays relatively well, but I’m itching to go to school to go to school to research in a field I’m passionate about .


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I know this means “one must learn to walk before running”, but is there a less literal translation that is perhaps more appealing to an English-speaking audience?   Read more

I know this means “one must learn to walk before running”, but is there a less literal translation that is perhaps more appealing to an English-speaking audience?


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Md Solaiman
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Understanding how ChatGPT works. 1: Researching different points of view. 2: Brainstorming content outlines. 3: Summarizing content. 4: Drafting content. 5: Repurposing content. 6: Writing proposals for projects. Organize your work by “thread”   Read more

Understanding how ChatGPT works.

1: Researching different points of view.
2: Brainstorming content outlines.
3: Summarizing content.
4: Drafting content.
5: Repurposing content.
6: Writing proposals for projects.
Organize your work by “thread”


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I’ve worked in Software Development teams my entire career and I’ve come to realize the spectrum of skill-sets is utterly staggering. Over the years I’ve managed to adapt my in-office behavior to handle utterly incompetent and lazy people. The ...Read more

I’ve worked in Software Development teams my entire career and I’ve come to realize the spectrum of skill-sets is utterly staggering. Over the years I’ve managed to adapt my in-office behavior to handle utterly incompetent and lazy people.

The way I handle it is to simply cap my anger and frustration, but I find myself going home and venting my anger in the form of complaining to my family and friends, but this is not healthy to me nor my family/friends.

How do I handle personal stress caused by utterly incompetent and lazy co-workers?

Optional info below:

In my younger years, I naively believed incompetent/lazy people didn’t cut it in the software industry for long. I disappointingly found that preferential treatment, nepotism, and just plain self-interest on the part of managers seem to undermine this natural filtering of idiots from the software engineering industry. Thus, it seems I must learn to deal with them.

I have endless patience for people who are junior and ask numerous questions, but I don’t seem to know how to handle stress caused by the utterly incompetent and lazy people that don’t apply themselves.


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It seems that Texas is attracting a lot of young people who are looking for a place to start their careers and lives. I wonder what are some of the reasons that make Texas so appealing to Gen Z. According ...Read more

It seems that Texas is attracting a lot of young people who are looking for a place to start their careers and lives.

I wonder what are some of the reasons that make Texas so appealing to Gen Z. According to the Zillow analysis, some of the factors that influence Gen Z’s migration patterns are:

• Job opportunities: Texas has a diverse and growing economy, with sectors such as energy, technology, health care, and manufacturing. Texas also has a low unemployment rate and a high labor force participation rate among young adults.

• Affordability: Texas has a lower cost of living than many other states, especially in terms of housing. The median home value in Texas is $266,000, compared to $409,000 in California and $356,000 in Florida. Texas also has no state income tax, which means more money in the pockets of residents.

• New housing: Texas has been able to keep up with the demand for housing by building more new homes than any other state. In 2022, Texas issued 221,000 permits for single-family homes, which was 19% of the national total. New housing also means more options and amenities for renters and buyers.

• Weather: Texas has a warm and sunny climate, with mild winters and hot summers. Many Gen Zers prefer warmer weather over colder or snowier regions. Texas also has a variety of natural attractions, such as beaches, lakes, mountains, and forests.

These are some of the possible reasons why Gen Z is flocking to Texas, making it the most popular state for movers Do you agree with these reasons? What do you think are some of the challenges or drawbacks of living in Texas? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Top States Gen Zers Are Moving:

  1. Texas
  2. Florida
  3. California
  4. North Carolina
  5. South Carolina
  6. Washington
  7. Colorado
  8. Virginia
  9. Arizona
  10. Georgia
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We ask the tough questions and shy away from nothing. Its how results are obtained. “You know someone who is racist, and they invite you to their Party, Event, Cook-out, or drinks after work. If you accept ...Read more

We ask the tough questions and shy away from nothing. Its how results are obtained.

“You know someone who is racist, and they invite you to their Party, Event, Cook-out, or drinks after work. If you accept their invitation and go to their event, are you not supporting their racism?”





TiK4TaT Research Team

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Do Gen Zers ands Milennials really known what a Social or communist government will look like in USA? I think the answer may depend on how one defines communism and socialism, and what kind of society one imagines under ...Read more

Do Gen Zers ands Milennials really known what a Social or communist government will look like in USA?

I think the answer may depend on how one defines communism and socialism, and what kind of society one imagines under these systems. There are different types and degrees of communism and socialism, and different historical and contemporary examples of countries that have adopted or attempted these ideologies. Some of these examples may be more appealing or repulsive than others, depending on one’s perspective and values.

According to some web search results it seems that many millennials and Gen Z-ers are becoming increasingly comfortable with socialism and Marxism, and more critical of capitalism.

Some of the reasons for this trend may include:

• The perception that capitalism has failed to address the social and environmental problems of the 21st century, such as inequality, poverty, climate change, and corruption.

• The experience of living through the Great Recession, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the resulting economic and social hardships, which may have eroded their trust and confidence in the current system and its institutions.

• The exposure to alternative ideas and movements, such as democratic socialism, Black Lives Matter, and Occupy Wall Street, which may have challenged their assumptions and offered them a different vision of society.

• The influence of popular culture and media, such as celebrities, politicians, books, movies, and social media, which may have portrayed socialism and communism in a more favorable or nuanced light, or criticized capitalism and its flaws.

However, this does not necessarily mean that millennials and Gen Z-ers do not understand what their life would be like under a communist or socialist society. It may mean that they have a different understanding or expectation of what these terms mean, and how they would apply to their own context and reality. It may also mean that they are willing to take some risks or trade-offs in pursuit of a more just and sustainable society, or that they are hopeful and optimistic about the possibility of change and improvement.

Of course, not all millennials and Gen Z-ers share the same views or opinions on these matters. There may be significant variations and diversity among them, depending on their education, background, culture, values, and personal experiences. Some may be more supportive or skeptical of communism and socialism than others, and some may have more nuanced or complex views than others.

What do you think? Do you agree or disagree with the views of millennials and Gen Z-ers on communism and socialism? How do you define these terms, and what kind of society do you envision under them? Tik4TaT  would love to hear your thoughts.

Can the USA survive as socialist or communist country or for certain the country will go into a possible civil war. Also, knowing that racist will certainly increase and black American and other marginal groups will not accept going backward and not being treated equally at all cost

This is a very complex and controversial question that does not have a simple or definitive answer. There are many factors and scenarios that could affect the future of the USA, its political system, and its social cohesion. However, based on some web search results I can offer some general observations and perspectives.

• The USA is not a purely capitalist or socialist country, but rather a mixed economy that combines elements of both systems. For example, the USA has a free market system that allows private ownership and competition, but also provides some forms of social welfare and regulation to its citizens, such as social security, minimum wages, and health care subsidies

• The USA has never been a communist country, nor has it ever faced a serious threat of becoming one. Communism is a system in which the state owns and controls all means of production and distribution, and abolishes private property, markets, and classes. Communism is often associated with authoritarianism, dictatorship, and repression. The USA has historically opposed communism, both domestically and internationally, and has fought wars and conflicts to contain its spread.  The USA is currently facing a high level of political polarization, division, and violence, which could potentially escalate into civil unrest or breakdown. Some of the causes and symptoms of this situation are:

• The rise of radical and extremist groups and movements, especially on the far-right, that advocate for violence, insurrection, or secession. These groups include white supremacists, neo-Nazis, militias, QAnon, and others. They are motivated by various grievances, ideologies, and conspiracies, such as racism, anti-government sentiment, election fraud, and the “deep state”.

• The erosion of trust and legitimacy in the democratic institutions and processes, such as the electoral system, the judiciary, the media, and the law enforcement. Some of the factors that contribute to this erosion are misinformation, disinformation, propaganda, corruption, and partisan interference.

• The increasing social and economic inequality and insecurity, which create resentment, frustration, and anger among many Americans. Some of the issues that affect the well-being and opportunities of Americans are poverty, unemployment, health care, education, and climate change.

• The USA has a history and a culture of resilience, diversity, and innovation, which could help it overcome its challenges and prevent a civil war or a collapse. Some of the strengths and assets of the USA are:

• The constitutional system of checks and balances, separation of powers, and federalism, which provide safeguards and mechanisms to prevent tyranny, abuse, and instability. The constitution also guarantees the rights and freedoms of the people, such as freedom of speech, assembly, and religion.

• The civil society and the civic culture, which foster participation, engagement, and dialogue among the citizens and the communities. The civil society includes various organizations, associations, and movements that promote social justice, human rights, democracy, and peace. The civic culture includes the values, norms, and traditions that shape the identity and behavior of the Americans, such as patriotism, pluralism, and pragmatism.

• The economic and technological dynamism, which enable growth, development, and innovation. The USA has a large, diverse, and productive economy that offers a variety of goods and services, as well as a competitive edge in many sectors, such as technology, science, and entertainment.
The USA also has a highly skilled, creative, and entrepreneurial workforce that drives innovation and progress.

Therefore, the answer may depend on how the USA and its people deal with the current and future challenges and opportunities, and how they balance the tensions and trade-offs between different political and social systems and values. There is no guarantee that the USA will survive or fail as a socialist or communist country, or that it will avoid or enter a civil war. However, there is hope that the USA will find a way to preserve and improve its democracy, unity, and prosperity, while respecting and protecting the rights and dignity of ALL its citizens.

Tit4Tat Research team


In Their Own Words: Behind Americans’ Views of ‘Socialism’ and ‘Capitalism’

Is the US headed for another Civil War? Research Team

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