Travis Kelce Inspiring Young Millennials in Football

Travis Kelce is a Young Millennial professional football player who plays for the Kansas City Chiefs as a tight end.

He is also the founder of 87 & Running, a foundation that aims to empower disadvantaged youth through education, mentorship, and sports. One of the projects that his foundation supports is Rebuilding Together Kansas City, a nonprofit organization that helps low-income homeowners repair and improve their homes. Recently, Kelce and his foundation partnered with Rebuilding Together Kansas City to help Gloria White, a former Olympic trials athlete and a longtime Kansas City resident, whose home was in need of major renovations. Kelce donated enough money to cover the costs of fixing White’s roof, gutters, doors, bathroom, kitchen, sewer line, and basement. Kelce’s foundation and Rebuilding Together Kansas City not only improved White’s living conditions, but also showed her respect and appreciation for her achievements and contributions to the community.

Travis Kelce’s foundation is called Eighty-Seven & Running, and it was founded in 2015. The foundation aims to empower disadvantaged youth through education, mentorship, and sports. The foundation has helped many people in the Kansas City community, such as Gloria White, a former Olympic trials athlete whose home was renovated by the foundation and Rebuilding Together Kansas City. The foundation also launched a health and wellness endowment at the University of Cincinnati, Kelce’s alma mater, to support student-athletes. The foundation also created the Ignition Lab, a co-working space for 14 to 18-year-olds to pursue career fields that they are interested in. The exact number of people that the foundation has helped is not available, but it is clear that the foundation has made a positive impact on many lives.



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